Epiphany On Vacation

Long description

In Epiphany On Vacation Effi & Amir go back to their presumed national womb, room
117 at the Three Kings Hotel in Basel. It is the room where Theodor Herzl, the visionary
of the Jewish state, was staying during the first zionist congress. The room is still named
after him (Herzl zimmer) and as it is proudly stated in the hotel's publication: “In the
Herzl Room you take in a breath of world history. This room is where Theodor Herzl laid
the foundation for the State of Israel in 1897.
Over one hundred years later, this simple yet stylish Junior Room will still have an inspiring
effect on you”. It is on the balcony of this room that his picture by E.M. Lilien was
taken, a photo that became iconic in the history of zionism and is immediately
associated with Herzl's famous diary quote: In Basel I have founded the Jewish state.

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